When does our body need a health checkup?

Health checkups are one of the important ways to manage our health and detect diseases early. However, you may have questions about when you should get a health checkup. In this article, we will learn about when health checkups are necessary.

Health checkup according to age

children and youth

Children and adolescents need to have their growth and development monitored and receive immunizations. Regular checkups track growth and support the health of children and adolescents.


Adults should consider regular health checkups, generally once every one to two years from their mid-20s to mid-30s. If you are over 40 years of age, you may want to consider annual checkups.


Family history and personal risk factors

Family history may increase your risk for certain diseases. You should also consider your personal risk factors. Factors such as smoking, being overweight, irregular eating habits, and lack of exercise can affect your personal health, so check-up frequency should be adjusted to take these factors into account.

Health checkup according to gender

Required health checkups may vary depending on gender.


Women need health screenings specific to women, including breast cancer, cervical cancer, and ovarian cancer. Screening related to pregnancy management should also be considered.


Men should consider screening for prostate cancer and male reproductive disorders.

Pre-existing diseases and health conditions

If you have a specific disease or condition, you should work with your doctor to decide how to manage that disease and how often you need to be screened. You may also need additional check-ups depending on your health condition, for example, more frequent check-ups when managing a chronic condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

Lastly, it is important to consult with your doctor to determine the frequency and type of health checkups. Your doctor can establish an appropriate health checkup plan by considering your individual health status and risk factors, and consistent checkups will greatly help in early detection and prevention of disease.

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